Wordpress Users Under Attack CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens May 23 2013 2649 0 attack brute force security wordpress Brute Force (1947 film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Wordpress Users Under Attack Recently, Wordpress, an extremely popular blogging site, has undergone a major spike in brute force attacks that threaten to either penetrate the site or bring it down. At the very least, these brute force attacks have caused access issues for Wordpress users. Brute force attacks are a simple but effective hacker onslaught against weak user names and passwords. Accounts most vulnerable to these last attacks were the ones using "admin" as a user name and those with the simplest passwords, such as "12345." The brute force attack employs software that floods the login with various combinations until it hits on a correct one. Read more ...
The Plugin Solution To Make WordPress Run Faster CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jan 03 2013 1748 0 Online Marketing Wordpress free cdn jsdelivr maxcdn wordpress English: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Make WordPress Run Faster Many Internet users rely on WordPress as the platform for getting their written work on the Internet. One concern that all users face is how to make wordpress run faster to enhance the user's experience. Improving your websites performance does not have to cost a lot of time and money when you use jsdelivr. What is jsdelivr? MaxCDN sponsors jsdelivr and is a free CDN service for webmasters and developers to link their plugin files to save bandwidth and improve website performance. It also gives users the ability to route the programs that use the plugins to the links destination, making the websites load faster. Increasing your websites loading time will help to make it user friendly, and in turn will be search engine friendly too. Read more ...
Breaking The Barriers Of Language With Wordpress Transposh CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Dec 03 2012 818 0 Web Development Wordpress translation transposh website wordpress South Efate translation team (Photo credit: yumievriwan) Wordpress Transposh Some websites have good content however, not all of them get high rankings because of the different languages that people use when writing. Although English is the main language used by most people on the Internet, there are some who prefer using their own languages as it allows them express their ideas well. Read more ...
PHP Advance Sitemap For WordPress Blog CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jul 07 2012 347 0 Online Marketing Web Development Wordpress image sitemap php sitemap wordpress English: The logo of the blogging software WordPress. Deutsch: WordPress Logo 中文: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) A PHP advance sitemap is very useful for increasing traffic to your site, and improving search engine rankings of a WordPress blog. You can enable your visitors to navigate your site easily, by making an efficient sitemap of your blog posts. However, keep in mind that we are not talking about a "Google Sitemap" here. Read more ...
How to Detect and Fix a Web Site Hack CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens May 16 2012 379 0 .Net Development Web Development Wordpress google hacked web site web site hack wordpress When you think about your site being hacked, you probably imagine an unmistakable notice, like a flashing screen with "HACKED" in large letters across the page. But in reality, you may not know that your web site has been hacked until much later on when a lot of damage has been done. Today's hackers are getting more sophisticated with the tools and methods they use to hack web sites. But knowing the signs and what to do in the event of a hack can help you to recover. Read more ...
Wordpress Presses On - Tops The 'top 100' Blog Hosts List For 2012 CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Apr 11 2012 277 1 Web Development Wordpress 2012 blog hosts blogger expression engine moveable type top 100 wordpress The logo of the blogging software WordPress. Deutsch: WordPress Logo 中文: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Seems like Wordpress is no stranger to the words 'top 100', as in April 2012 the popular blogging platform has found itself in familiar territory among the hosts that top bloggers favored most, for the second time in approximately four years. Read more ...
5 Tools You Shouldn't Live Without as an Online Business CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Mar 27 2012 308 6 General Business Online Marketing basecamp iovoicera online business tools wordpress Image via CrunchBase If you are planning to take your business to another level, you might want to reach a greater audience. As online businesses are now industry standards, making transactions and keeping up with your targeted market is essential to all businesses and doing them online makes everything easier, so here are some tools that can help you maximize your online business capabilities. Read more ...
The Costs of Content Management Systems For Your Website CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Nov 21 2011 420 7 Web Development Wordpress content content management economy hosting hosting hosting plan systems webhost wordpress Image via Wikipedia Notwithstanding the importance of a CMS there is a concern for the costs of content management systems that are brought along with their incorporation and usage. There is no doubt about the relevant importance and usefulness which is available. This also brings in carful and speculated selections as the costs and expenses that are a part of it is also huge. There are several established companies in the industry that have proprietary systems available for installation. These are specific designs that are a part of the software packages available for a particular type of industry; there are further personalized usages that can be incorporated when t is used for a company. Read more ...
How to Set up a Wordpress Blog for your Business CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Aug 09 2011 354 1 Web Development blog domain name web developer web host wordpress If you run a small business or any enterprise for that matter, you need a website. We're well into the 21st century by now and current and future clients and customers expect you to have some kind of web presence. A decade ago, you'd need to hire a web developer to take care of this for you. Thankfully, that's no longer the case and anyone can set up a simple website with a Content Management System. The most popular CMS for blogs and websites is Wordpress. It's easy to install and configure, and the whole process can be accomplished in a few simple steps. Read more ...
5 Awesome WordPress Plugins Every Blogger Should Have CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jun 06 2011 575 13 Web Development Wordpress akismet commentluv facebook share tweetmeme video quicktags wordpress WordPress plugins Image via Wikipedia WordPress is blog publishing software that is used by many bloggers due to its features and no cost. One of the features that make WordPress so popular is the plugins features, which allow bloggers to add more functions to their blog for them and their readers to use. Whether you are a new or experienced WordPress blogger, here are 5 awesome WordPress plugins that you should consider adding to your blog. Read more ...