Captured Technology

5 Awesome WordPress Plugins Every Blogger Should Have

Jun 06 2011

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Image via Wikipedia

WordPress is blog publishing software that is used by many bloggers due to its features and no cost. One of the features that make WordPress so popular is the plugins features, which allow bloggers to add more functions to their blog for them and their readers to use. Whether you are a new or experienced WordPress blogger, here are 5 awesome WordPress plugins that you should consider adding to your blog.

Facebook Share

The Facebook Share plugin adds a button to your blog, which allows you to share your content on Facebook. It also keeps count of how many times your content has been shared on Facebook. This is a great feature to have so you can determine what type of content does well on your blog with your readers. It also keeps track of how many comment clicks you get in Facebook as well.


One thing readers hate to see on blogs in the comment section is spam comments that have nothing to do with the content. Akismet is a great WordPress plugin you should activate on your blog in order to filter out spam comments from showing up. This plugin automatically stop the spam comments and send you a notification before posting it. This saves you time on deleting unwanted comments and helps improve your blog’s PageRank.


The TweetMeme plugin allows bloggers to retweet their blog posts using their Twitter accounts. Similar to the Facebook Share plugin, it keeps track of how many times your content has been tweeted in Twitter. You can also use hashtags and add your Twitter ID to the end of each tweet to gain more followers. This plugin is currently being used by several popular websites such as Time Magazine and


If you are networking with other bloggers and wish to allow them to place links on your blog after their comments, then you should add the CommentLuv plugin. This is a great way to share traffic from your blog with your fellow bloggers as a thanks. Also this plugin is a good way to increase comments on your blog and visit the blogs of your readers through their links.

Viper’s Video Quicktags

If you place videos on your blog, you should consider adding the Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin. This plugin allows you to post videos on your blog easier by just copying and pasting the URL into a prompt box. You can link videos from YouTube, Google Video, and other video websites just by clicking one button.


About the Author: Tanya is a full-time ultrasound tech who enjoys writing and blogging in her spare time. She also enjoys traveling, working out, and spending time with her growing family.

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