Captured Technology

Wordpress Presses On - Tops The 'top 100' Blog Hosts List For 2012

Apr 11 2012

The logo of the blogging software WordPress. D...

The logo of the blogging software WordPress. Deutsch: WordPress Logo 中文: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Seems like Wordpress is no stranger to the words 'top 100', as in April 2012 the popular blogging platform has found itself in familiar territory among the hosts that top bloggers favored most, for the second time in approximately four years.

There should not be too much surprise in this regard though, as the leading blog platform copped 1st place as the blog host of choice three years ago with 32 percent of the top 100 blogs falling under its domain. The latest count this year saw the blog giant providing its services to 49 percent of blogs on the top blog host list, which translates into a 53 percent rise in Wordpress usage among the premium blogs, over three years.

Currently more than 73 million blogs across the world are run on the fuel of Wordpress' user-friendly blog-building accessories, pleasant end-user interface, and excellent bandwidth that accommodates optimum speed and design creativity.

Wordpress' performance this year created several drastic downward rating shifts among once-favored blog host providers, at times casting a shadow on others' presence in the top 100 list and at other times pushing them out of the top list altogether. For instance, the traditional top runner Typepad moved down since the last count from hosting 16 of the top blogs to servicing a mere 2 of them this time around, and another top list host, Moveable type, decreased its top list prowess by 5 blogs. The regular top list blog hosts Expression Engine and Bricolage lost their top ranking status and were nowhere to be found on the 2012 list.

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