Happy Blogging Birthday To Wordpress! CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens May 29 2013 2827 0 birthday blogger free software wordpress English: The logo of the blogging software WordPress. Deutsch: WordPress Logo 中文: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Happy Blogging Birthday To Wordpress! Wordpress has now been around for a full and fabulous decade. Bloggers from all over the world should send a gift, or, at the very least, post a happy birthday message on one of the over 66 million Wordpress sites that exist around the world. According to company's own stats, over four billion pages are viewed each month. The power of Wordpress cannot be overstated. Read more ...
Wordpress Presses On - Tops The 'top 100' Blog Hosts List For 2012 CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Apr 11 2012 277 1 Web Development Wordpress 2012 blog hosts blogger expression engine moveable type top 100 wordpress The logo of the blogging software WordPress. Deutsch: WordPress Logo 中文: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Seems like Wordpress is no stranger to the words 'top 100', as in April 2012 the popular blogging platform has found itself in familiar territory among the hosts that top bloggers favored most, for the second time in approximately four years. Read more ...
The Buzz About Social Media Tools CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jan 14 2011 1288 9 Social Media blogger facebook marketing tools social media Social media management tools tweetdeck Twitter Social media management tools have been the recent buzz in the market. Social media management tools can help one make use of public networking activities for business purposes such as marketing campaign, lead generation and contact management. There is no better way to exploit the raging popularity of social networking websites in order to bank some money or spread the word about your business without throwing in lots of money. In some cases, one will not have to spend a dime on social media management tools, yet be able to reach to a massive size of audience. Below is the list of few social business tools that companies can use for their advantage. Read more ...