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Uncovering The Best WordPress Security Plugins


WordPress has a few security precautions set up, but this does not compare with what a trusted security plugin can do. WordPress sites are often targeted by hackers, so it always pays to take additional measures. The best WordPress security plugins provide the following things:

Monitors security actively
Scans files
Scans for malware
Monitors blacklist
Hardens security
Post hack measures
Installs firewalls
Protects against brute force attacks
Alerts if a security breach occurs

Running WordPress Securely Takes Planning

English: WordPress Logo

English: WordPress Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

WordPress has taken its place a one of the most powerful website platforms, and today is being used in about 22% of all the websites on the web.

Running WordPress securely will mean careful planning, just as it is with most any type of technology used for businesses. Selecting WordPress to be your platform isn't that different from selecting a CRM. However, you do have other options.

What Your Should Know About WordPress Security

Apr 30 2014
Wordpress Schwag

Wordpress Schwag (Photo credit: Peregrino Will Reign)

WordPress has quickly become a powerful platform that powers around 22% of all websites.

Running WordPress securely does require a plan, just as the case is with any technology you use for business. Choosing WordPress as your platform is not really any different than selecting a CRM, but there are other options to consider.

Choose Between Your Servers And Theirs 
You can either choose to host your WordPress site on WordPress's servers or you can host the site on your own server. has features such as allowing you to host image galleries, videos and there are plenty of integration tools that go hand-and-hand with some of the top social networking sites.

Wordpress Users Under Attack

May 23 2013
Brute Force (1947 film)

Brute Force (1947 film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wordpress Users Under Attack

Recently, Wordpress, an extremely popular blogging site, has undergone a major spike in brute force attacks that threaten to either penetrate the site or bring it down. At the very least, these brute force attacks have caused access issues for Wordpress users.

Brute force attacks are a simple but effective hacker onslaught against weak user names and passwords. Accounts most vulnerable to these last attacks were the ones using "admin" as a user name and those with the simplest passwords, such as "12345."  The brute force attack employs software that floods the login with various combinations until it hits on a correct one. 

Sorting Through Business Accounting Software Options

What's in the bag? Business of Software 2010

What's in the bag? Business of Software 2010 (Photo credit: betsyweber)

Regardless of what type of business you run, accounting will play a role in the process. You have to keep track of your business finances in some way and utilizing accounting software is a popular choice for most business owners. Accounting software can be a lifesaver and can make your job as a business owner a lot easier. However, if you're new to the business world, you may be unsure of which accounting software program to choose. There are, after all, a many choices to pick from. Before choosing accounting software program for your business, there are a few factors for you to consider.

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