Microsoft Promised to Make Bing Profitable CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Oct 22 2015 2 0 General Business Web Development Bing microsoft Windows 10 Microsoft released their first quarter earnings report today and they made good on their promise that their search engine, Bing, would be profitable in 2016. Bing made over $1 billion in the first quarter of the year, quite a feet. Revenue grew in coordination with the release of Windows 10 which allowed search to be profitable. Read more ...
Market Share Increasing for Windows 10 CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Sep 03 2015 5 0 .Net Development General Business microsoft Windows 10 Windows 10 has been on the market for a full month at this point. Gamers on Stream have always been very found of the Windows operating system, using it over 95% of the time to play games on Stream. And those using Windows 10 have grown considerably fast from 14% to 17% since the official launch. Gamers need a high performance operating system, and are now moving from Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Windows 10. Thus, they perceive it as a reliably platform for heavy use. Read more ...
Microsoft Looks to Hire Autistic CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Apr 07 2015 8 0 .Net Development Web Development microsoft National Autistic Society Microsoft is looking to increase the number of autistic workers employed at the large technology company. Hiring managers at Microsoft recently voiced their opinion that autistic employees offer many skills that are need in the technology field including the ability to recall data, think at deep levels and perform well writing code. There are many different levels of autism on the spectrum with some appearing normal in all situations. Read more ...
Microsoft Preps for Windows 10 CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jan 21 2015 4 0 .Net Development General Business laptop microsoft Windows 10 How many people are testing Microsoft’s new operating system? How about 1.7 million people have signed up to be early testers. Windows 10, is a big deal for Microsoft and loyal fans who want something better than the operating system they got with Windows 8, a disappointment. At a company event today, Windows 10: The Next Chapter, executives shared what to expect with the new software when it is made available. They discussed a new browser that is coming, the price structure that will include free versions for some, and even the use of holograms for virtual workspaces. Read more ...
Santa Clause On Google’s Radar CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Dec 02 2014 6 0 General Business google microsoft NORAD Santa Tracker Google will be tracking Santa Clause once again this year as he travels around the world in one night. The Santa Tracker is available from Google to track the sled and the reindeer on Christmas Eve 2014. In addition to the tracker there will be games, animated shorts, information on holidays around the globe and even some JavaScript classes for the kids. Read more ...
Developing In ASP.NET: Factors To Consider CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens May 09 2014 420 0 developing websites microsoft ASP.Net Whiteboard (Photo credit: adKinn) Developers around the world rely upon ASP.NET for developing solutions. This particular application framework is unmatched in its features and versatility today. In fact, it has been used to create incredibly complex websites over the years. Major organizations and recreational developers alike trust in this platform to create websites. Here are some of the best motivators for developing in ASP.NET right now. Read more ...
Microsoft Dominates CES with Innovative Products CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jan 07 2014 1543 0 2014 ces microsoft Products 2013 International CES in Las Vegas (Photo credit: Tucano _ Tech & Style, Milano) In 2012, Microsoft had decided to quit the Consumer Electronics Show and it had pulled back almost all of its products. However, the company has had a good year in 2013 and Microsoft dominated the Consumer Electronics Show due to its impressive OEM partners. According to Nick Parker, corporate vice president, the company decided to use the 2013 Expo to promote its OEM partners and the collaboration products expected to be out in early 2014. Read more ...
Changes With The Windows 8.1 Upgrade CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Oct 18 2013 1507 0 2013 microsoft upgrade windows Windows 7 build 7600 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Changes With The Windows 8.1 Upgrade Microsoft (MS) has always provided good and world class products that have been getting a lot of good reviews as well as many criticisms. Nevertheless the products we keep getting from MS never stop getting better. One of the products they have provided is the personal computer operating system. For quite some time people have been using Windows 7. Lately there was the introduction of MS Windows 8. It was a great invention and those who jumped into using it found it quite cool while others found fault with it. After some positive criticism from the users, Microsoft decided to bring in an upgrade of windows 8. This upgrade brings in some changes to ensure that the users find it comfortable to use. Here are just some of the features of the Windows 8.1 upgrade. Read more ...
Microsoft Shuts Down TechNet CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jul 01 2013 1981 0 microsoft shut down technet Microsoft TechNet (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Microsoft Shuts Down TechNet One of the staples of the past fifteen years for both information technology workers and computer enthusiasts has been Microsoft's TechNet, a website and monthly subscription that that allowed for information, discussion, and updates in the IT community. Yet all good things must come to an end and Microsoft announced it would shut down the TechNet community in the near future, with no new subscriptions after August 31st and a complete shut-down of all services by October of 2014. Read more ...
Microsoft's Launch Of The Elastic Compute Cloud CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Apr 18 2013 2076 0 amazon ec2 elastic compute cloud microsoft English: Ray Ozzie on the PDC of Microsoft announcing Windows Azure Español: Ray Ozzie en la PDC de Microsft anunciando Windows Azure (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Microsoft's Launch Of The Elastic Compute Cloud In the never-ending battle of tech superiority, Microsoft is pulling out its big guns in order to compete with Amazon's hugely popular EC2 service. Known as the Elastic Compute Cloud, this infrastructure service cloud will be able to give a user access to virtual hosting and data storage, on computers running Windows as well as Linux. This second attempt at a challenge to Amazon's super-service is no surprise. The June 7th launch will be a means of edging into what should be a huge market as more individuals and corporations begin to store more and more data on cloud computing. The existing Microsoft Azure cloud, however, has no Linux compatibility, a major limiting factor for those who prefer to run third-party programs. Read more ...