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All Posts Term: Social Media
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Instagram Has More Engagement Than Twitter


Data released this week by Socialbakers showed that Instagram photo posts had 50 times the engagement for big brands as similar posts on Twitter. This follows a story that the photo app surpassed Twitter in total number of accounts, 300 million to 284 million. The study looked at the top 25 brands on each network and then compared user interaction with the brand’s posts. Twitter feels that it has more reach that is not easily tracked in such reports since it allows tweets to be viewed by non-account holders.

Sponsored Tweets : Making Money on Twitter

English: A pie chart created in Excel 2007 sho...

English: A pie chart created in Excel 2007 showing the content of tweets on Twitter, based on the data gathered by Pear Analytics in 2009. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sponsored Tweets : Making Money on Twitter

Paid tweets are not a new concept. The issue of spam posts and spam users in our followers list and twitter feed is not uncommon, but the attempts are painfully apparent and easily dismissed. Ted Murphy, owner of IZEA, has begun a new venture at IZEA called SponsoredTweets. The founder has a good stream of celebrities, conventional as well as online to back his sponsored tweeting venture.

The Best Type Of Advertising For Tech Blogs That Will Bring Results


Mobile-phone-advertising (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Advertising For Tech Blogs

Experienced online marketers agree that best type of advertising for tech blogs is the kind that draws in readers and answers their questions. Many people search through and read tech blogs for possible solutions to software problems or for related tips and shortcuts. Ads that are straightforward and concise are also recommended for bringing in readers of varying backgrounds when it comes to technology.

The Social Networking Logo And Your Branding

Nuevo Logo de Huasonic

Nuevo Logo de Huasonic (Photo credit: Huasonic)

Branding will always be important when it comes to marketing your business. This applies doubly when using social media, as it helps to have an identifiable brand that follows you through a number of different sites. By creating a social networking logo, you create a way for fans and customers to find you much easier, as well as helping them decide on which products or products line is best for them.

Ways To Find More Twitter Followers


Fiverr (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Find More Twitter Followers

Many businesses understand and appreciate the effect that social networks have on today's consumers. Many people use social media for a couple of hours every single day. They use them to connect with friends, family and other loved ones. They also use them to exchange ideas, information and knowledge. One of the most popular of these social networking websites is Twitter! Twitter is a leading forum where businesses with a large following tend to be thought of as important, popular and offer quality to customers. This is the reason why more and more businesses are trying to find more twitter followers.

The Importance Of Sales Leads For Business

English: Mike Hanbery is a professional speake...

English: Mike Hanbery is a professional speaker and writer on marketing and social media for business. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Importance Of Sales Leads For Business

When it comes to running a business, you are definitely going to need sales leads so you can market your product and services to customers over a period of time. List purchases and acquiring leads through social media outlets are common tactics used to collect valuable leads that allow a business to provide value to their market. An individual may believe that one of these types of lead acquisition methods are more reliable than the other, but in fact, this difference changes from business model to business model. Knowing how each method affects your business should be one of your main priorities as you decide which method to implement.

Study Shows that Negative SEO Is Real

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...

Image via CrunchBase

One of the biggest fears held by most website owners is that any small mistake they make in producing their content or interacting their users will immediately lead to precipitous drop in their ranking at major search engines like Google. And, while it's responsible to avoid these pitfalls and mistakes altogether, it's worth noting that an immediate and mind-blowing drop at the internet's search leader is simply not likely in many cases. Such a theory was proved correct by an SEO firm which recently decided to deliberately destroy a reputable website's search engine rankings. As part of its project to make a first-page result into a last-page afterthought, the company loaded that website up with more than 50,000 undesirable links. This included forum posts, blog comment links, and other links placed into the sidebar for the sole effect of destroying the site's reputation.

Maximize Your Blog Traffic With Facebook

FaceBookTrafficYou can use Facebook to increase traffic to your blog. With a little effort and ingenuity, you can draw from almost a billion users to give your own website a healthy shot in the arm. Regardless of what you blog about, you can find potential readers and customers on Facebook and route them to your blog. When these visitors arrive, you can convert them into subscribers and paying customers. You have almost unlimited potential when you use Facebook to build your blog, but you need to do more than create a Facebook profile and page to make a difference. The following tips will help bloggers build traffic by leveraging Facebook.

The Simpler Way to Guest Post (MyBlogGuest Infographic)

Are you looking for opportunities to help improve your visible presence online? As a blogger, marketer or freelance writer, you are likely to have to contend with a massively over saturated market with too much competition to stand out.

Obviously, you can do things the hard way. You can spend hours every week on Twitter, Google and various blogs looking for guest blogging opportunities - which is more or less the only way a writer can reach the public these days.

Or you can try a simpler way that is called MyBlogGuest.

What Is MyBlogGuest?

The idea is pretty simple. You sign up and bring with you all those posts you want to market to other blogs. When you sign up, you can also sync up your social media profiles (such as Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and others), as well as blogs or websites you own or regularly write for. This helps them determine your “power”, while also promoting you and your sites.

Once you are signed up and your profile is saved, you can get to work. Write great guest articles and upload them. These will all go into the Article Gallery. Once there, blog owners can look and make bids on the piece. They will tell you where and when they will want to post. Immediately, you get to choose the best offer and end up with a high powered link to add to your current sample collection.

Rethinking SEO through Social Signals [Infographic]

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

During recent years in field of search optimization, there has been a push for SEO strategies to incorporate what is known as social media optimization. Older, more established companies that still go the way of the dinosaur will say that there's no verifiable impact because most social media provides links that are "nofollow" Though it was a relatively small test, the data behind this infographic shows otherwise.

We at TastyPlacement, Inc. decided to conduct a test of six similarly situated websites. While the results are not concrete, the tendencies that each nearly identical website displayed are signs that are trustworthy enough which to take note.

In fact, the results make sense once you take a look at each of them. It makes sense that Google, no matter how sophisticated its algorithms may ever be, will find that the most reliable search results are those which people manually "approve". The basis for Google Plus activity affecting search engine ranking therefore make sense, as does the amount of Google Followers, Facebook promotion and even Twitter tweets.

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