Captured Technology

Use Twiends to Grow your Social Network

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

It has been proven that social networks are a successful medium for professional as well as for recreational use. Sites like Twitter and Facebook are increasingly becoming more popular over the past few years and seem to be influencing our way of communication with the addition of nouns like “tweet” and allowing us to use the word friend as a verb besides using it as a noun.
But it is not easy to build a social network. It is not like logging on, typing a short message about some breakfast cereal and then getting instant micro blogging success. It requires lot of hard work and patience in order to build a good social network.

Web Developers: On Being a Beginner

Coda (web development software)

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve known many web designers who started giving free service before they made it big. In a profession where everyone (including non-design degree holders) can be a web designer, launching a career to achieve a far-fetched dream always begins with a rough start. It’s hard to break into an industry full of portfolio-armed designers, especially if you’re a beginner.

Small Business Owners - Virtual Assistants Offer Biggest Bang for Your Buck

National Small Business Week Day 1

Image by ShashiBellamkonda via Flickr

If you’re a small business owner, you know the value of time and money. Unfortunately, there have probably been times when you’ve experienced a deficit in both areas. Thankfully, with the increasing popularity of the Internet, there are now professionals offering their services as virtual assistants. Small businesses virtual assistants complete much of the same tasks – sometimes even more – as the traditional executive assistant. If you’re new to the concept of virtual assistants for small businesses, you may wonder what value these 21st century professionals will provide your business. Read on to see three of the ways that virtual assistants can provide you the biggest bang for your buck.

Google Tools for Your Dental Website

A screenshot of Google Maps running on Windows...

Image via Wikipedia

When it comes to everything that has to do with websites, Google is the first to pop in any person’s head. Most dentists may not know much about dental SEO, but for those who do know a few things about websites they know that the only way to make any dental website shoot up to the first page of the search engine results is to get the attention of Google. However, that is not the only contribution that Google has to the World Wide Web. An entire collection of tools offered by Google are helpful in dental practice marketing.  The best part of all is that they are for free.

Managing Resources with Microsoft Project

honey pot

Microsoft Project is the Project Management Software developed and distributed by Microsoft. Since its release, most organizations have been using MS Project for their project management needs.  As more and more organizations started to do their work on a project basis, the popularity of MS Project began to grow rapidly.

Is Drupal 7 Better Than Wordpress for Managing Content?


There has been a constant battle between these two names in the web development industry since the beginning. Each of them has come with different solutions that revolutionized the creation of websites. But the main fact still stands: these are two most liked by users everywhere, and they respond to users’ needs accordingly.

How a Professional SEO Reseller Can Help Your Site

If you are in the process of developing a new site or you think you want to drive more traffic to an existing one, you need to consider hiring a professional SEO reseller to do your marketing for you. While it is entirely possible for you to market your site on your own, doing so in a successful way could take years of time and effort. A simple investment in proper search engine optimization could save you a great deal of hassle and get you on your way to making money like you should.

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