Technology Startup Funding And Bootstrapping CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Mar 06 2014 1104 0 Bootstrapping business Startup Funding Read more ...
All About Wordpress VIP By Automatic CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Dec 31 2013 714 0 business VIP wordpress Automatic VIP Training (Photo credit: borkazoid) Wordpress VIP, a premium wordpress service specifically intended for corporate ventures contains all wordpress features and other additional products and services. Wordpress VIP users enjoy an enhanced content management and monitoring system, security monitoring of the website and offer free training to developers. Wordpress VIP has two hosting options to choose from; cloud hosting costs $3,750 a month for a maximum of five websites and self hosting costs $15,000 annually. Read more ...
Websites vs. Facebook Pages (Infographic) CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Feb 08 2012 492 3 Web Development business business advice Marketing web design web development When you're getting setup in business for years we've assumed that any business, no matter what size, needs a website. The underlining principle in that thinking is actually that every business needs 'a home on the web'. These days that home doesn't necessarily have to be a website in the traditional sense. Facebook pages, Twitter profiles, Google + pages, Flickr, YouTube - the list goes on - all these places give your brand (whether that's a business or some other entity) a home and perhaps more importantly, a voice, on the web. Read more ...
10 Ways to Source Great Sales Leads CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Jan 03 2012 936 7 General Business Online Marketing business pay per click sales leads transcription The sale always begins with a sales lead. Looking for more sales leads is a critical component of any sales professional's job. Without sales leads, you have no new potential customers to market your product or service to. Following are 10 ways to source great sales leads, to help you start your sales process off right: Read more ...
Klout, A New Site You Should Be Aware Of CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Nov 28 2011 181 5 Social Media business klout Marketing media retweets social Image via CrunchBase Have you heard of Klout? If you are a business, or a just a student―it's best to keep your knowledge of different social and business sites up to date. Klout is a start up business founded by two friends in 2008. The main goal of Klout is to measure the influence that you have (or a company) around the web. There is a score from 1 to 100 based on how well you (or a company) can call people to action. In a nutshell, it is a “credit score” that makes your life better. Instead of looking at who is following you, or how many friends you have, Klout looks at what you do. It looks at your retweets, comments, likes, and how it influences other people. Right now, they only focus on Facebook and Twitter. Read more ...
Five Tips to Increase Sales with an Auto Dialer CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens May 09 2011 308 2 Online Marketing auto dialer business make more profits online business Image via Wikipedia Do you need to increase your sales and make more profits for your business? Here are five proven tips that will work with your auto dialer program and will not cost you anything to use. Read more ...
Does Your Business Need Direction? CapturedTech - Technology - Patrick Stevens Nov 29 2010 489 10 business business direction strategic plan Does Your Business Need Direction? Create A Business Plan Is your business operating without a strategic plan? If so, you could be putting at risk its long-term viability. Businesses that work to a plan have been shown to improve their chances of survival. Does working to a set of objectives sound too restrictive though? Don't worry, working to a business plan doesn't mean your business can't respond to changing market conditions. Being flexible is imperative to your success too; there's nothing stopping you making changes. Read more ...