Web Development Top Tips To Rank In Google Products Image by dannysullivan via Flickr I have recently received a lot of questions as to how retailers and other sellers can rank their products in Google. As you know, this place is called Google products or Google product search - formerly known as Froogle and Google Base. It is the leading comparison shopping engine for retail products launched by Google Inc. It is the process of searching for products online and is Google’s attempt to squash eBay. But again, as with all Google lists, there are many ranking factors that can help get your product onto the top of the - and into the hands of potential clients. Patrick Stevens google basegoogle productsmerchant centerseo 2011-08-24 1975 0
Online MarketingWeb Development 5 Solutions to Help Maximize Your Online Sells Image via Wikipedia If you run an online business, you have certainly wondered how to maximize your presence in cyberspace in order to get more sales. As the internet is still an evolving and developing entity, many people who start a business online are wondering the same thing. And while being a business owner online or offline can be a challenge, there are some simple things you can do now to maximize your current sales, as well as secure your future sales. Patrick Stevens maximize your current salesrepeat businessseosite design 2011-08-18 491 0
Online Marketing Why PPC and SEO Work Better Together Image by hongxing128 via Flickr The best online marketing campaigns use complimentary short- and long-term online marketing strategies together: PPC and SEO. It is reasonable to say this with almost no regard for a business’ size and type, if its goal is to increase online exposure, create a larger customer base, and ultimately establish healthier profits. Pay Per Click marketing is the easy-to-manipulate strategy that produces immediate results and measurable data, while Search Engine Optimization takes time to effectively develop and launch, as well as to begin to show any quantifiable results. So for companies preparing to invest in a more robust SEO and PPC management strategy, it makes sense to get one firm that can do both and will approach the two as synergistic, complimentary components of one campaign. Patrick Stevens online marketingppcsearch engine optimizationseo 2011-08-15 436 6
Online MarketingWeb Development Finding Pay Per Click Management Help the Old Fashioned Way Image via Wikipedia The funny thing about pay per click management is that as a service centered on internet-based performance, you might think that using a powerful online search engine would be an effective way to generate a list of worthwhile PPC management firms. They operate on the web, after all; shouldn’t the web be how you find them? But because many excellent PPC management firms generate a lot of their business the old-fashioned way, through networking, personal connections, and references, they don’t always have the best search rankings. This makes firing up your browser and finding the right PPC company for your online marketing needs more difficult. Patrick Stevens managementonline search enginepay per clickppcsearch engine optimizationseo 2011-07-12 268 17
Online MarketingSocial Media How Panda Update Affected SEO Techniques Image by Getty Images via @daylife The most important thing in every individuals mind today is that because of the Google farmer / Panda update the act of article promotion has lost some of its value. Some of these individuals have found if an article is totally dependent on search engine traffic, it may no longer drive clicks to the website and has lost its high ranking on Google. A major thing which is missed by almost all of the article dealers is the community factor on most of these sites. Not the whole thing, article encyclopedias are just a source of trainings and not more than that. In most of the networks for article individuals can interact with each other through the help of forums, comments, as well as areas where they can ask questions and anyone can answer them according to his/her knowledge which help them in enhancing their knowledge and the quality of content they write. Patrick Stevens affected seoarticle dealerspandaseotechniques 2011-06-13 455 9
General BusinessOnline Marketing How a Professional SEO Reseller Can Help Your Site If you are in the process of developing a new site or you think you want to drive more traffic to an existing one, you need to consider hiring a professional SEO reseller to do your marketing for you. While it is entirely possible for you to market your site on your own, doing so in a successful way could take years of time and effort. A simple investment in proper search engine optimization could save you a great deal of hassle and get you on your way to making money like you should. Patrick Stevens more trafficprofessional seoseoseo reseller 2011-04-07 594 12
Online Marketing The DMOZ Debate: Is A Listing Still Worth It? For years, SEO professionals and web site owners have loved DMOZ, or officially known as the Open Directory Project. If you wanted a boost in your ranking, one of the best ways to go about it is to go to dmoz.org, find the most relevant category and sub-categories for your site, and submit your site to the DMOZ directory. It is simple, straight-forward and, best of all, free. Patrick Stevens directorydmozpr 4search engine optimizationseoSEO professionals 2011-03-11 492 3
Online Marketing 5 Secrets For Flawless On-Site SEO On-site search engine optimization is as important if not more important than off-site SEO. As a matter of fact, you can’t do successful off-site SEO without first optimizing your website. This is what you should do first and is the foundation of your success with the search engines. Patrick Stevens codeimageskeywordsonsite seoon-site seosearch engine optimizationseositemaptitle 2011-03-05 320 4
Online MarketingWeb Development Article Marketing – A Great SEO Strategy Articles have always been a big part of the world of search engine optimization. This means that whatever you do, you should never ignore them and if you decide to employ article marketing as your link building strategy, you should know a couple of things before you start. In case you don’t want to pay professionals to write the articles for you, you should write them yourself. This can be difficult especially when you have never done it before. Patrick Stevens article marketingmake moneymake money onlineonlinesearch engine optimizationseo 2011-02-18 486 12
Outsourcing your Link-Building Efforts Link building is perhaps the most important element when it comes to successfully marketing an online venture. One can have the nicest website, the coolest domain name, an offline marketing campaign and a killer product, but without off-site links, your website is next to invisible. Although there are a significant number of factors involved in how search engine rankings are decided, the basic idea is that the more links a website has to it (also known as backlinks), the higher up the rankings the site will appear for a phrase. This is a gross simplification, but having more inbound links is always beneficial. Patrick Stevens backlinkslink buildinglinksMarketingofflineoff-site linksOutsourcingseo 2011-02-17 495 3