Online MarketingWeb Development Finding Pay Per Click Management Help the Old Fashioned Way Image via Wikipedia The funny thing about pay per click management is that as a service centered on internet-based performance, you might think that using a powerful online search engine would be an effective way to generate a list of worthwhile PPC management firms. They operate on the web, after all; shouldn’t the web be how you find them? But because many excellent PPC management firms generate a lot of their business the old-fashioned way, through networking, personal connections, and references, they don’t always have the best search rankings. This makes firing up your browser and finding the right PPC company for your online marketing needs more difficult. Patrick Stevens managementonline search enginepay per clickppcsearch engine optimizationseo 2011-07-12 268 17
5 Bits of Technology designed so That You can Work Smarter Not Harder Every business needs to be able to keep up with the competition and run as leanly as possible. Working smart, by improving efficiency is one of the ways in which you can achieve this and with the aid of a few business technologies, it is much easier to do than you would first think. Below are 5 examples of those business technologies which are readily available to all. Patrick Stevens business and techmanagementtechnologytechnology solutionstelecommunicationtelecommunications 2010-11-24 307 9