Evergreen SEO methods have stood strong throughout time. This is amazing feat for such a fickle method that is ruled by ever changing algorithms. Methods that once were sure fire short cuts to achieve high ranking results have fallen to the wayside. The following Evergreen SEO methods and techniques worked when they were first implemented and they keep working.
Exchanging Value
This method is also known as external links. The basic concept is simple. You provide a link to a website on your website. In turn that website will provide an external link to your website. Google has penalized this method, however, it is still widely used amongst bloggers and other social media platforms. The exchanging value exposes your website to the traffic of the other websites instead of relying on just your own organic traffic. More exposure and more traffic can equate to a higher search result rank.
Keyword Research
Research the keywords that are used by your target audience. When you find several appropriate keywords use relevant and quality content on your site that contains these keywords. Be sure to use them naturally and do not excessively and unnaturally fill your website with keywords as this will hurt your search ranking.