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All Posts Term: cell phones
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How Much Does Mobile App Development Cost?

English: iPhone using the Wikitude application...

English: iPhone using the Wikitude application, demonstrating an example of Augmented Reality (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How Much Does Cell Phone App Development Cost?

One of the most common questions surrounding app development is “how much does it cost?” Unfortunately, the answer is not as clear or direct as the question. Zco Corporation has developed apps costing as little as $5,000 and as much as $1 million. The overall cost to develop an app depends on a number of factors throughout the development process.

Loyalty, Is It Gone or Just Harder to Earn?

what's in my wallet

Image by rhodes via Flickr

Loyalty is a funny sort of word. We are loyal to our friends and we are loyal to our partners and family. Sometimes we even feel a certain level of loyalty to a store or website that carries out favorite items and the best prices. Some stores offer loyalty reward points to get us to buy even more and save even more. Yet, on the whole, what does loyalty count for?

Perhaps you might consider your home/cell phone company, your credit card company, your bank or your mortgage company. How loyal do you feel toward them? How loyal do you think they are toward you? Are they quick to notify you of any special offers that are usually aimed at “brand new customers only” or do you have to call them and threaten to change to another company in order to get a deal from them?

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