Captured Technology

All Posts Term: utilities
2 post(s) found

Loyalty, Is It Gone or Just Harder to Earn?

what's in my wallet

Image by rhodes via Flickr

Loyalty is a funny sort of word. We are loyal to our friends and we are loyal to our partners and family. Sometimes we even feel a certain level of loyalty to a store or website that carries out favorite items and the best prices. Some stores offer loyalty reward points to get us to buy even more and save even more. Yet, on the whole, what does loyalty count for?

Perhaps you might consider your home/cell phone company, your credit card company, your bank or your mortgage company. How loyal do you feel toward them? How loyal do you think they are toward you? Are they quick to notify you of any special offers that are usually aimed at “brand new customers only” or do you have to call them and threaten to change to another company in order to get a deal from them?

Improving Computer Performance With Glary Utilities

Apr 01 2010

glary utilities

Improving Computer Performance With Glary Utilities

There are plenty of ways to make sure that your computer is running at its peak performance. Having software that improves the way your computer operates, can have a big impact on the speed of your operating system. For Windows users, Glary Utilities is a great and free tool that will help to keep your computer running at its best.

Glary Utilities works for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and is 100% free. It is rated as one of the top most downloaded System Utilities on

This great and simple to use application includes utilities to improve your system's performance and to protect your privacy. The interface is very simple and user friendly, with only requiring a couple of clicks to run scans. These scans will check files on your computer, unclutter them, free up disk space, fix broken shortcuts, and more.

The registry cleaner that comes with Glary Utilities is a great tool for anyone who is looking to improve their computer performance and wanting to fix registry problems. It allows you to scan, remove, and backup registry entries. You can also use "Track Eraser" which allows you to remove all of your online and Windows traces, although it only supports Internet Explorer. The Track Eraser is a great way to keep your privacy secure.

Glary Utilities includes a lot of other useful tools such as Registry Defrag, Uninstall Manager, Startup Manager, Memory Optimizer, File Shredder, File Encrypter, File Splitter & Joiner, Process Manager, and many more!

If you are interested in this freeware and would like to improve your computer's performance, please visit

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