Captured Technology

How Much Does Mobile App Development Cost?

Jan 08 2013

English: iPhone using the Wikitude application...

English: iPhone using the Wikitude application, demonstrating an example of Augmented Reality (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How Much Does Cell Phone App Development Cost?

One of the most common questions surrounding app development is “how much does it cost?” Unfortunately, the answer is not as clear or direct as the question. Zco Corporation has developed apps costing as little as $5,000 and as much as $1 million. The overall cost to develop an app depends on a number of factors throughout the development process.

The Idea

The first step in the development process starts with the client. There are hundreds of combinations of types of apps, features, and platforms that the client needs to determine. Will it be a game that uses the accelerometer and camera? Maybe it’s a branded app that uses in-app purchasing and augmented reality. As might be expected, the more complex the idea, the higher the cost of development. However, apps that offer more functionality can yield a greater profit over time. The goal of the client should be to find a perfect balance between desired functionality and budgeting. The developer will present the client with an itemized pricing list to assist the customer in finding an ideal cost arrangement for their app.

App Design

Now that the idea is in place, it’s time to determine the look, feel, and functionality of the app. Experts will walk through the app with the client to decide exactly how the app will be laid out. It’s important to cover each page, button and link to understand how the parts interact with each other. As previously stated, additional pages and integration aspects drive the cost of development. The design of an app can be the one of the most crucial aspects in making it successful so this step shouldn’t be skimped on.

Building the App

The team of designers strives to build an app that mirrors the clients’ ideas. Beyond adhering to the exact in-app design determined in the previous step, programmers also create the icon, splash screens, page transitions, and other effects. To avoid any disconnect, updates are sent to the client on milestones as the app is developed to ensure all is according to plan.


The app is finished. The idea has been turned into a fully operational, well-designed mobile application. All that’s left to be done is make it public. Both Apple and Google have costs associated with submission and take a portion of the profits. It will also cost more to port the app to multiple platforms, but submission to multiple platforms simultaneously is not necessary and can be done at a future date.

With all the variation in developmental cost, it can be difficult to determine a proper price. The best way to find out how much your app will cost is to ask for a quote. Just remember, you get what you pay for so be sure to pick the right developer.

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