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Online MarketingSocial Media

The Simpler Way to Guest Post (MyBlogGuest Infographic)

Are you looking for opportunities to help improve your visible presence online? As a blogger, marketer or freelance writer, you are likely to have to contend with a massively over saturated market with too much competition to stand out.

Obviously, you can do things the hard way. You can spend hours every week on Twitter, Google and various blogs looking for guest blogging opportunities - which is more or less the only way a writer can reach the public these days.

Or you can try a simpler way that is called MyBlogGuest.

What Is MyBlogGuest?

The idea is pretty simple. You sign up and bring with you all those posts you want to market to other blogs. When you sign up, you can also sync up your social media profiles (such as Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon and others), as well as blogs or websites you own or regularly write for. This helps them determine your “power”, while also promoting you and your sites.

Once you are signed up and your profile is saved, you can get to work. Write great guest articles and upload them. These will all go into the Article Gallery. Once there, blog owners can look and make bids on the piece. They will tell you where and when they will want to post. Immediately, you get to choose the best offer and end up with a high powered link to add to your current sample collection.

Online MarketingSocial Media

Rethinking SEO through Social Signals [Infographic]

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

During recent years in field of search optimization, there has been a push for SEO strategies to incorporate what is known as social media optimization. Older, more established companies that still go the way of the dinosaur will say that there's no verifiable impact because most social media provides links that are "nofollow" Though it was a relatively small test, the data behind this infographic shows otherwise.

We at TastyPlacement, Inc. decided to conduct a test of six similarly situated websites. While the results are not concrete, the tendencies that each nearly identical website displayed are signs that are trustworthy enough which to take note.

In fact, the results make sense once you take a look at each of them. It makes sense that Google, no matter how sophisticated its algorithms may ever be, will find that the most reliable search results are those which people manually "approve". The basis for Google Plus activity affecting search engine ranking therefore make sense, as does the amount of Google Followers, Facebook promotion and even Twitter tweets.

Online MarketingSocial Media

Do You Need a Virtual Assistant?

Many people find themselves extremely busy that they need to employ an assistant, but rather than hire a real person, many people are now turning to the help of virtual assistants.

What is a virtual assistant (VA)?

Virtual assistants are individuals who work from their own home office and are considered an independent contractor. These individuals are not technically an employee of yours, so they have their own equipment and pay their own benefits and business expenses. 

What are the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your online business?

Since virtual assistants specialize in their area of expertise, you will know that you are hiring an individual with the knowledge to take care of your business. They tend to have a firm grasp on their tasks and can perform well above your expectations. Virtual assistants can usually start the job without needing any training, unless you use a special software or program.
Virtual assistants are also more cost-effective. If you only need the assistant to work part time, you can have them work part time instead of hiring a full time employee. These individuals can also help alleviate your day to day responsibilities so you can spend more time focusing on your business.

Online MarketingSocial Media

Making a Fortune Online - Unlikely Success Stories

Fawkes the Firefox and the Million Dollar Home...

Fawkes the Firefox and the Million Dollar Homepage guy (Photo credit: remisser)

With the rise of the online world, there are those individuals who have managed to capitalize on all the opportunities it brings to make their fortunes. Whether you sell Ford Mustang parts and classic Mustang parts, your own artwork or run a blog, you can learn from the lessons of these successful online entrepreneurs and apply them to your business.

Check out these unlikely success stories of online business.

General BusinessOnline Marketing

Web Hosting Reviews

Vhostit Web Hosting Logo ไทย: โลโก้ของ Vhostit...

Vhostit Web Hosting Logo ไทย: โลโก้ของ Vhostit Web Hosting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Beneath all the technical jargon and all the sales talk lies a trove of independent comments that either speak a case for or against any particular hosting service. Reviews are the best thing to sweep the web since search engines. Both are distant cousins, in that they help the decisions by providing information. In the case of the review, people with live accolades to vile rebukes will render a clearer picture.

There are two kinds of reviews that one should be on the look out for, the first is the ones that heap lavish praise on any particular service. The second is the one that is scorn directly from the Three Witches' cauldron. Both extremes may be amusing but should be discounted. It's the majority of opinions of any one service in a methodical business decision.

Online MarketingWeb Development

The Forbidden side of SEO techniques

You probably know that SEO (short from search engine optimization) is actually the process of improving the visibility of a web page. You can do that using White Hat SEO techniques but this will take you a lot of time and all these methods won’t be enough to improve the visibility of your web page. But here comes the term Black Hat or in short SEO methods that are used for manipulating the search engines’ index. These techniques are cheaper and work faster than the ones known as White Hat. As you may suppose  Black Hat tactics are forbidden and often penalized because they do not follow the rules of the search engines. Cookie stuffing, page hijacking, keyword stuffing, link farms are the names of only a few of many others Black Hat techniques that are used nowadays. Imagine that you can make ten different articles with unique content from a single one. It sounds like a miracle, but this term is actually known as article spinning and of course belongs to one of the Black Hat techniques. Even though all these methods are often penalized by the search engines who can blame you for using them when this kind of SEO practices will save you not only time but also money and efforts.

Online Marketing

Find Out More About Your Customers With an Online Survey

How much do you know about the people that frequent your website?  If the answer is "Not much", then perhaps it's time to conduct a few online surveys and get an idea of the kind of person that enjoys your content. Understanding your visitors can help you to focus your web development efforts, and is also useful for attracting advertisers. The more information you can provide about your demographics, the more targeted the advertisements on your site can be.  Better targeting translates into more conversions, and hopefully more money from those ads.

Online Marketing

Your Local Business Home Page - Do Visitors Understand What Your Business is All About?

If you’re a local business owner who has a website already created for your business, it’s important for the website to be laid out appropriately so it gets a person’s attention and makes them want to continue reading the content on the website. This includes making sure you have the relevant information on your main page that people are expecting to find when first visiting your local business website.

Does your homepage clearly provide information about who you are and what you do?

People expect to find exactly what it is they were searching for in the first place when they arrive on your homepage. They don’t want to find irrelevant info that wasn’t within their search request. Point being, people need to know exactly what your local business website is all about within only a few second upon arriving and reading. What’s even more important is each person visiting the site should know what services and products your business provides without having to dig for the information.

Online MarketingWeb Development

Finding Deals On Web Hosting

Image representing as dep...

Image via CrunchBase

The best deals on web hosting are not difficult to locate, but it is easy to fall for the hype. One of the things that a person looking for web hosting services and deals falls into is a bunch of affiliate marketing sites. Now, there is nothing wrong with that, per se, one must understand the motivation behind these reviews. The reviews are skewed to convince, not balanced to inform. But there is utility in them after all. Go through the blogs and look for the ones that provide the most number of alternatives. This smart marketer has gone the distance to get affiliate status with all the links and then gives an almost unbiased view of all.

General BusinessOnline Marketing

5 Tools You Shouldn't Live Without as an Online Business

Image representing Invoicera as depicted in Cr...

Image via CrunchBase

If you are planning to take your business to another level, you might want to reach a greater audience. As online businesses are now industry standards, making transactions and keeping up with your targeted market is essential to all businesses and doing them online makes everything easier, so here are some tools that can help you maximize your online business capabilities.

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