Captured Technology

Use Twiends to Grow your Social Network

May 16 2011

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

It has been proven that social networks are a successful medium for professional as well as for recreational use. Sites like Twitter and Facebook are increasingly becoming more popular over the past few years and seem to be influencing our way of communication with the addition of nouns like “tweet” and allowing us to use the word friend as a verb besides using it as a noun.
But it is not easy to build a social network. It is not like logging on, typing a short message about some breakfast cereal and then getting instant micro blogging success. It requires lot of hard work and patience in order to build a good social network.

What is the concept of Twiends?

Twiend helps you to increase your followers in three important social networks:

In Twitter, Twiends helps you to make more friends and followers (people who follow you and people who you follow).

Twiends helps you to gather more likes on your Facebook pages.

In YouTube, Twiends helps to increase the number of video views (at least by 70 seconds at a time).

What is the reason for popularity of Twiends?

Twiends develops incentives for people checking out a social network with the use of a “seeds” system. When someone is following you, you give them seeds and when you are following someone, they will give you seeds. The number of seeds you want to offer can be selected by you and you remain on the list until you run out. This allows people to follow you if they like your profile and content. In short, it can be said that seeds are a currency for social networking.

Free Seed Codes

When you sign up for Twiends, you can earn 150 seeds to get started in the following way.

50 seeds for signing up for their newsletter.

50 seeds by using the code G341UP

50 seeds by using the code OK1SA5

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