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Four Ways to Improve Email Conversions

Image representing MailChimp as depicted in Cr...

Image via CrunchBase

With computing heading ever more mobile your marketing campaign needs to do the same. You must always bear in mind that your customers, or potential customers, may well be reading that fancy image rich email on a small smart phone, tablet device or laptop. Once you are aware of this there are two or three things you can do to make sure your campaign is prepared to take on all devices and bring in more conversions:

(1) Make the Email Brief and to the Point – No one wants an essay or term paper in their email inbox. Brief and compact emails will be easily read and digested and will have far greater chance of conversion. A high percentage of internet users will look at their emails whilst on the move – most of them will read the first lines only before deciding whether to (a) read on, (b) follow the link through to your site or (c) deleting the email. Shorter messages will ensure that it is one of the first two options that they decide on.

(2) Spend Time on the Subject Line – with email marketing, the subject line is the most important part. Make it dull, dry or unappealing and you will see a high percentage of people deleting the email before they even open it. On the other hand, tease them with the prospect of an amazing deal, a sale, or a piece of information that they can’t live without and they will open it every time. Be creative, offer them a taste of something good, and rope them in!

(3) Offer them Something Useful – It doesn’t matter what your niche or industry, if you can offer your readers something useful that will help them in their day to day life they will not only head over to your site for more information, but they will begin to view you as a good source of information and someone they would like to read more from.

(4) Make It Shareable – Use Mail Chimp or Constant Contact to integrate your emails into social media. Ensure that anyone reading the email can either share it, or visit pages where the information can be easily shared. In addition, make certain that you announce each newsletter using social media and encourage your customers to share it too.

Alex is a tech writer and blogger. He loves writing about Macs, SEO and productivity software. He currently works for Coupon Croc .

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