Captured Technology

How to Use Signature Texts Properly For Free Advertising

Jan 28 2010

How to Use Signature Texts Properly For Free Advertising

The signature line of your email or forum profile has more purposes than simply writing your name on it. Some people simply avoid using the signature line, not knowing how much business and future profits it can give them. If you are a serious home based online entrepreneur, do not ignore the massive potential of your signature text.

In grade school, teacher taught you how to write letters. You probably remember how important it is to include a salutation at the end of any letter. In the Internet world, this salutation can very well be your signature line. If you haven't been utilizing this, you're probably missing out on a lot of free website traffic.

Here are some of the places where you can possibly insert a signature line:

1 Email

2 Forum Threads

3 Newsletters

4 Text messages

5 Social networks

6 Private messages

Your signature file doesn't necessarily need to have your name only. Include a teaser preview about yourself and your business, then include you website link and contact info as well. You can choose to automatically attach your signature text to each email, forum post, and message that you send. When you do that, everyone gets to see your website link and short ad each time you send or post something. This acts like your little billboard that gets seen any moment you interact with others.

Signature texts are very important to use in forums. You are probably aware that most forums do not allow their users to do blatant advertising. Online signature lines are allowed. This gives the smart online business owner a chance to spread the word regarding his or her business, by including your website link in your forum signature. When people see your comments and threads wherein you interacted, they also have an option to click on your site and get more information. It’s indirect advertising, it's free, and it works.

To use this free advertising strategy effectively, you have to choose your words very carefully. In forums, only a certain amount of characters are allowed, so every word counts! Put your name first, or better yet, include a short salutation like the ones below:

1 Sincerely,

2 Regards,

3 Have fun,

4 Until Next Time,

Right after your name and salutation, add your website link. You can choose to add a short description (or tagline) of your website, perhaps a sentence or two would suffice. Your link will automatically be clickable, and it will turn to blue. Once people see it, there arises an almost irresistible temptation to click out of sheer curiosity.

Your tagline or short promotional phrase is very important as well. Think of a catchy phrase that will summarize the benefits that you offer and leave the reader curious at the same time. For example, if you're providing gadgets and software, you can say "We Provide the Best Gadgets in the Universe", and then post your website link. Something like that.

As time progresses, you may want to update your signature line to keep up with trends, and avoid too much familiarity from readers. Don't hesitate to experiment with new signature lines. Include new website links, and experiment with new catch phrases. Test each signature you create and find out which one delivers more results.

Signature lines can also be added to cell phone and social networking profiles. Each time you're sending a text message to someone else's phone, your signature will appear at the bottom, which will remind them about what you do and the services you offer. Because the character limit in text messages are somewhat shorter, it is ideal to post one website link only.

Are you ignoring your signature line? If yes, then now is the best time to use it to your advantage! You'll be surprised at how much free traffic it can give you.

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