Captured Technology

Wordpress WP Super Cache And W3 Total Cache Plug-ins

Jun 23 2010

Wordpress WP Super Cache And W3 Total Cache Plug-ins

I recently ran into some performance issues with Wordpress sites hosted by Hostgator. This is definitely not a recommendation for Hostgator as their support is poor but I would like to recommend a Wordpress Cache solution that has performed well for me. By using a combination of WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache Plug-ins, my sites are loading quickly and performing better than they have in the past.

There are a number of articles online stating that W3 Total Cache is the only cache option that you need but WP Super Cache was doing a tremendous job for me previously so I developed a great solution that uses both without any duplication. It also helps that Hostgator provides Apache compression on their shared servers which allowed me to turn off the compression provided by WP Super Cache. No need to duplicate compression of the content of the site. This is a theme of my solution.

The feature of WP Super Cache that I did maintain is the page caching. I continue to use this plug-in for page cache and have disabled the page caching provided by W3 Total Cache. But W3 Total Cache provides other features that allowed me to eliminate DB Cache Reloaded and WP Minify. That is correct, W3 Total Cache provides both a DB Caching option and a Minify option. In fact, their two solutions worked better for me than the previously named plug-ins that I was using.

W3 Total Cache also provides one more great feature, CDN support. A CDN will allow you to off load images and media to a set of servers that deliver the content quickly based on the geography of the requesting client. These services/networks cost money, some more than others, and therefore are helpful when your sites reach a level were content deliver is not being met to your expectations by normal hosting providers. But utilize the two plug-in approach presented here and your sites should load and reload faster than before.

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